Adword clicker bot

Google adword clicker bot

  • Multiple keywords support.
  • International Google sites supported.
  • Emulates real human clicks.
  • Able to click multiple domains ads (picks randomly each round).
  • Clicks any domain (ads target link).
  • Searches the ads on up to 10 search result pages.
  • Random wait time interval between clicks.
  • Set amount of clicks to do.
  • Build-in random user agents.
  • View and edit list of user agents used by the bot.
  • Build-in proxy checker.
  • Clears cookies, cache, history each round.
  • Random proxy selection option.
  • Works on All Mobiles
  • Auto save last configuration.
  • Auto load last configuration on start
  • Detailed activity log saved during the run

Google traffic mobile bot

  • Select what local Google search to use.
  • Auto scrape target website links for skip list generation.
  • Multi threaded (emulates number of simultaneous users).
  • International Google pages supported.
  • Multiple keywords support (randomly selected each round).
  • Auto solves Google captcha with
  • Auto request refund if captcha was not solved
  • Build-in Google proxy checker tool to test proxies with Google search.
  • Works on All mobiles.
  • Works on any domain link.
  • Set your keyword to search in mobile Google.
  • Clears cookies, cache, flash cookies, history after each round.
  • Searches your domain link on first 20 pages of search results.
  • Set Min/Max time interval to wait on your pages.
  • Set amount of visits per thread.
  • Supports socks5, socks4, public http proxies and private http proxies.
  • Auto clicks on random link on target website to prevent bounce rate count.
  • Ability to provide internal links to be skipped from clicking.
  • Build-in mobile user agents random rotation.
  • Ability to edit mobile user agents used by the bot.
  • Auto save last configuration.
  • Auto load last configuration on start.
  • Ability to schedule and auto run the bot using windows task scheduler.
  • Auto check proxy before each run.
  • Auto block dead proxies during the run.
  • Display proxy in use for each thread.

Adwords mobile clicker bot

  • International mobile Google sites supported. Multiple keywords supportable to click multiple domains ads (picks randomly each round).Clicks any domain (ads target link).
  • Random wait time interval between clicks.
  • Scans up to 10 pages for the ads to click.
  • Set amount of clicks to do.
  • Build-in random mobile user agents.
  • Clears cookies, cache, history each round.
  • This will help you on your daily Internet activity.

TikTok mobile bot

  1. Titktok bot will be scraping data from tiktok with out being banned .
  2. These bots will be running on our data centres which will send data .
  3. It will scrape data like user name ,link ,link placements .
  4. It internally uses residential IP rotation and customisable algorithm to prevent from account blocking .
  5. It detected the advertisement/promotions and send the data to server .
  6. It send data like marketing campaigning to the serve

Snapchat influencer mobile app bot

  1. Snapchat bot will be scraping data from snapchat with out being banned .
  2. These bots will be running on our data centres which will send data .
  3. It will scrape data like user name ,story link ,user placements .
  4. It internally uses residential IP rotation and customisable algorithm to prevent from account blocking .
  5. It detected the advertisement/promotions and send the data to server .
  6. Snapchat bot traverse the stories and find out insights from it .

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